UK Cryptocurrency Regulation in Focus: Treasury Committee’s Call for Action

UK Cryptocurrency Regulation: The UK Parliament’s Treasury Committee has released a report urging the regulation of unbacked cryptocurrencies, equating the speculative nature of these assets to gambling rather than a financial service. The committee members emphasized that the volatility and lack of intrinsic value associated with these crypto assets pose significant risks to consumers. They argue that such assets should be treated in a similar manner to gambling due to their similarities in terms of consumer speculation. This unexpected development raises questions about the UK government’s ambitions to establish the country as a global hub for cryptocurrencies.

Unbacked Cryptocurrencies: Akin to Gambling

According to the Treasury Committee’s report, consumer speculation in unbacked cryptocurrencies more closely resembles gambling rather than a financial service. The committee highlighted the inherent risks involved in trading these assets, regardless of the regulatory regime in place. The price volatility and absence of intrinsic value make unbacked crypto assets potentially hazardous for consumers. By drawing parallels between crypto speculation and gambling, the committee aims to emphasize the need for robust regulations to protect consumers from potential losses.

Regulatory Dilemma and Consumer Perception

The report also addressed the potential unintended consequences of regulating retail trading and investment in unbacked crypto assets as a financial service. The committee expressed concerns that such regulations may create a misleading perception of safety among consumers. If crypto activities are deemed as safer due to regulatory oversight, individuals may be misled into believing that their investments are protected when, in reality, they remain exposed to significant risks. The principle of “same risk, same regulatory outcome” was highlighted as a guiding factor in determining appropriate regulations for unbacked cryptocurrencies.

Contrasting Government Ambitions

The Treasury Committee’s stance on unbacked cryptocurrencies stands in contrast to the UK government’s previous commitment to establish the country as a global hub for crypto. The government had previously expressed its ambition to create a pro-crypto regulatory environment, aiming to regulate crypto asset activities in line with traditional finance. However, the committee’s report, comparing crypto speculation to gambling, indicates a potential shift in the regulatory approach. This divergence raises questions about the government’s plans and the impact they may have on the industry’s growth and innovation.


The UK Parliament’s Treasury Committee has called for the regulation of unbacked cryptocurrencies, emphasizing the similarities between consumer speculation in these assets and gambling. The committee’s report highlights the risks posed by the price volatility and absence of intrinsic value associated with unbacked crypto assets. While this stance contradicts the UK government’s ambition to establish the country as a global crypto hub, it raises important considerations regarding consumer protection and the need for robust regulations. Striking the right balance between innovation and safeguarding consumer interests remains a key challenge in shaping the future of cryptocurrency regulations.